Monday, April 13, 2009

Are Bath and Body Works Wall Flowers Dangerous to breathe?

My Father-in-law did some research on the net about Glade Scented Plug-ins and found that a number of stores took them off of the shelves about a week ago because they were putting out various chemicals in homes. Now... he is telling my Husband and I to get rid of our Bath and Body Works Scented Wall Flowers, but alot of you know, those things do not come cheap. $12 per plug, unless of course you get them on sale. And I have been using them for years and have felt no effect on myself.

But does anyone know if the B%26amp;BWs are harmful to breathe?

Are Bath and Body Works Wall Flowers Dangerous to breathe?
There is truth to this statement. Many electric air freshners contain known carcinogens (cancer causing agents), including methylene chloride and formaldehyde. This also includes spray air freshners. Apparently, these molecules are easy to inhale, but not easy to exhale because they stick to hair follicles and eventually enter the lungs. Once in the lungs, they don%26#039;t get out, and they trap dust and other harmful particles which can turn into lung tumors. Apparently, the average american inhales 2 tablespoons of this gunk daily... not something I%26#039;d want to be inhaling .... expensive or not, you have to decide what%26#039;s more important... your $12 or your health.
Reply:new info to me but I think i%26#039;ll have to look into this too!!!

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